Daily Data
The first
folder is titled “Soybeans_May_1936_2003”. This is CBOT daily data for
the May contract from the first day of futures trading in soybeans in
1936. Trading was closed during World War II (2/1943-10/1947). The format
is CSI and ASCII (Text); readable by most charting software; including
CycleTimer, Tradestation, etc.
The second folder is titled "Soybeans_ContContract_1949_2011". It
contains the daily continuous futures contract from 1949 to 2011.
The file "Soybeans_Floor Session_1949_2011" is only the floor trading
session, not including electronic trading. Electronic trading for soybeans
began in 1996 and that data is provided in a separate file "Soybeans_Elec
Session_1949_2022". ASCII format.
Monthly Data 1913-2011
third folder is titled “Soybeans_Cash_USDA_1913_2011”. It
contains USDA cash data. The file titled “USDA_Monthly.txt” is the
first ever recorded for the soybean market and is a monthly average of
cash prices recorded at a variety of grain elevators throughout the
USA (1913-11/2011). Between 1913 and 1922 data was only recorded
for the five months between October and February. There was no
recorded data during the remainder of the year, between March and
September. Beginning in 1923 data was recorded during the entire
year. ASCII format.
This same folder also has the USDA daily cash prices recorded at
central Illinois (1969-11/2011). ASCII format.