Stock Market
Structures And Cycles
Market Science Volumes I & II
"Book of the Year"
"Readers Choice Award" - Technical Analysis Magazine

Technical Analysis of Stock and Commodities Magazine
surveyed 60,000+ subscribers for their favorite "Stock Trading
System". Cowan's books received the "Readers Choice Award".
"Nature tends to synchronize elements
that initially appear to be disharmonious. At times, achieving this
synchronous state requires maximum entropy until a common denominator is
obtained, after which, stability occurs." ... p98
The market modeling
techniques taught in this home-study course show how successful traders have predicted the
direction of price-time action of STOCK, FOREX, and
years into the future.
a very unique combination of geometry and cycles, traders can pinpoint
turning points in both price and time days or years before they happen.
The workbook-like questions and answers show that the results obtained by applying
these techniques have an accuracy that does not err by more than one percent! For example,
if the techniques indicate a major top 100 trading days in the future the results are not
off by more than one trading day!
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